Why validation is the new drug ….

This picture has gone viral. This picture is of a little girl.

The caption explains the picture but who explains the caption?

The need to post things on social media to validate ones actions is becoming an epidemic. The kudos and encouragement that people go to great lengths to receive is fueled by attention. The attention seekers way of getting high.

This act (in which the actual picture is in reference to) created a beautiful moment shared by student and teacher, so why take away from “the beauty” of the moment? Not putting it on social media wouldn’t have taken away your effort. Not posting this picture wouldn’t had changed the fact that the affect made the little girl feel pretty.

Simple, it’s the same reason why Kim Kardashian has a huge, unnaturally fat ass. It’s the same reason why people “troll” the Internet and post unnerving comments.

The reactions.

When someone posts something like the picture above to the Internet they want the love and the hate. They want to be controversial (in the fact that what you did may cross boundaries). They want the publicity, because all publicity is good publicity.

What goes through someone’s mind to take the time out of their day to first, put someone down and then try to flip it around by calling it beauty?



excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one’s physical appearance.

extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one’s own talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type.

Social media has created a bunch of little narcissistic monsters and they even come in form of teachers also.

To say “it looked like it hadn’t been touched the entire holiday break” is so unnecessary and excessive, but because of this “grandiose view” we had to understand what real “miracle” work this teacher did on her students hair.

The post gave zero useful information. If this child had come to school day after day with dirty and tangled her hair, then yes I could understand the teacher’s worry. No such thing was stated. So, for all we know this child’s caretaker could’ve been running late, and decided to put a winter hat on her head and left. Would the teacher have been more impressed if the little girl came to school but was 20min late because her mom didn’t want to be judged by the person that’s supposed to be teaching? Is it that detrimental to teach children to be “pretty” you have to have your hair done?

Personally, I see nothing wrong with the initial act of doing your students hair. I might have done the same thing. I wouldn’t have taken pictures of it to take home and then posted it on social media!

It would’ve been really amazing if that teacher had showed her student that she was pretty before also. Self-confidence doesn’t come from getting your hair done. I say that loosely because sometimes I literally feel sick if I don’t get mine done. BUT, I still know I’m pretty regardless.

excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one’s physical appearance

“When I finished, she looked at herself and said aww so pretty “.

It seems like this monster is creating little monsters.

Hey! I have my moments also, but the first step to recovery is admittance right!?